Political Peace

In election years we are drowned in advertisements. In my experience, politicians overpromise and underdeliver. These ads are often appalling and nasty. They are designed to persuade us to support one candidate over another.  Campaigns create fear by making dire predictions related to the economy, gun control, healthcare, ability to work, living in safe communities, and supporting ourselves and our families.

How would you feel to find out that your child’s teacher, who says hello to you daily, ensures the safety of your child at school, and sends home encouraging notes was of a different political persuasion?  Does this change who they are as a person?

What about the person who delivers your mail or makes coffee at your favorite java shop? It is important to remember that because a person supports a particular party, they do not necessarily support everything about its candidate.

Personal beliefs and experiences are at the core of political affiliation. We all want to know that how we feel and how we are treated matter!  How can this be accomplished when we create enemies out of those who believe differently than we do? Political beliefs are only a small part of the person as a whole.   Because many political beliefs are fear based we may realize that we have the same fears that are expressed in different ways.

Fear for personal/family safety

Fear of financial insecurity

Fears of injustice

Guns are necessary for me to protect my family and myself.


Am I going to be a victim of a crime because of my race, faith, gender, or sexual orientation?


What if I get pulled over and unjustly searched or killed because of the color of my skin?


What if I get sick and I don’t have healthcare?


What if I get pregnant and I can’t access an abortion because it is illegal in my state?


What if our country must go to war/comes under attack?


I don’t want to be a victim of a crime.

I don’t have a job that pays me enough, I may not be able to pay my bills. 


I don’t want to become homeless.


What if I can’t get a job because I have to compete with so many other people?


I don’t want my kids or myself to be hungry because I don’t have enough money to eat.


Am I going to have enough money to retire? What if social security collapses?

What if I don’t have healthcare and can’t afford my treatments?


Am I going to be a victim of a crime because of my faith, gender, sexual orientation?


Is there a more compassionate way to address the issues of immigration?


Can we protect the most vulnerable members of our communities?


Is there a more compassionate way to help women who become pregnant?


Are laws going to be applied differently because of my gender, race, or religion?

Political peace can happen when we take the time to be curious and caring toward humans who hold different opinions. Asking about someone’s political fears gets to the heart of political opinions.  When we understand our common fears, it enables us to have compassion toward each other. We embrace our fellow Democrats, Republicans, and unaffiliated from a place of understanding rather than a place of anger. Together, we can create compassionate solutions that promote safety for ourselves and those in our communities.  These solutions do not have to be limited by who currently lives in the White House.

The chart of fears may be incomplete, what other fears might you have that need to be offered peace?

Kathy Walker,